The Apple Time Capsule seemed like a great idea when it was unveiled about a decade ago. Connect the drive directly to your Mac, then use Disk Utility to erase it. Time Machine can back up to an external USB drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule. Can I use an AirPort Time Capsule as a external hard drive?Įxternal drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac) or AirPort Time Capsule. They’re having trouble keeping up-to-date backups, because some workers have a weak signal to the Time Capsule. If you’re using a Time Capsule, it might be time to consider an alternative. Then Apple stopped making new ones years ago and finally admitted it canceled the line earlier this year. What is the best replacement for Apple Time Capsule? Why did Apple stop making time machine? What is the best alternative to Apple AirPort Time Capsule 2TB? What is the best replacement for Time Capsule? Computers connected to the Time Capsule Ethernet ports can also access the network and connect to the Internet.
To prevent the Time Capsule from acting as a WiFi access point or router, and use it only as a backup disk, just open the AirPort Utility app on a Mac (Applications -> Utilities -> AirPort Utility) and do the following: Select your Time Capsule and hit Edit. Yes, this is possible and actually quite simple. So, if you want to buy one of these, then you need to act fast! If you don’t have an Apple Airport Time Capsule yet. It’s discontinued by Apple and now you can only buy refurbished units. TM only deletes older files if they have been deleted from the source and when TM needs space on the backup drive for a new incremental backup. Time Machine does backup to a HDD contained in the Time Capsule. Time Machine does perform a type of archival backup where older files may be removed and replace by newer ones. You can also attach a USB hard drive and/or USB printer to the Time Capsule and share them over the network to other clients. It is primarily designed to perform as a router but also to be the backup destination for Time Machine. Well, the Time Capsule is a wireless Internet router, that also has a built-in hard drive. What is the purpose of Apple Time Capsule?